DJ Business Card Picture 2023

Darin Johnson


Darin joined Glenwood State Bank Real Estate in June of 2006.  This opportunity allowed him to return to the area and be near family & friends. He finds real estate very rewarding and greatly enjoys assisting clients in achieving their real estate needs. His passion is to work hard, be responsible and communicate well with every client. Darin believes the variety of past experiences has assisted him daily in the world of real estate; did his undergraduate and graduate work at St. Cloud State University, has coached and taught at the middle and high school levels, and coached basketball at the college level.

During his free time, Darin enjoys watching and coaching basketball, hunting, fishing and golf.  In addition, Darin goes out of his way to support and promote many local businesses in the community.

Darin’s passion for real estate and commitment to keeping his clients’ best interests in mind, makes him an excellent Realtor.  If he can help with your real estate needs, don’t hesitate to contact him.

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